Sunday, June 6, 2010

Euro Mountain Bike Trip

We are in Champerey and it is unreal!  We are surrounded by super beautiful and tall mountains. 
It is unreal!! Gino raced today and the rest of us race tomorrow. The course is ridiculous!! Yesterday preriding there were 4 huge crashes in the first 10 minutes. One girl broke her helmet, it sounded like a car crash. I did a huge endo and landed on my head and scraped up my new glasses and my face!! :( Thankfully it was soft ground though because I left a huge head plant which probably saved my helmet. (we have a good pic of it) my neck and back are super sore and stiff, not good. 

The experience is really cool because the Rabobank team is staying right next to us. We have kinda made friends with them, haha.  It is impossible to explain it here. There is a creek right by us and we went there yesterday. The water is super clear and awesome. Today I also bought about 2 pounds of chocolate (!!!!) so get ready. Haha.  The above pic is from our ride today.


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